Friday 12 October 2012


I am new to blogger but i have always felt like sharing my views with others and it has always been my wish to make people benefited from my knowledge.Everyone of us has a longing for name,fame,success,health,wealth,respect,good reputation,luxurious life,a caring and loving spouse,good friends,good job etc.Nine out of ten times we want to achieve all these things but we are not willing to pay the price for them.Everyone likes to go to heaven but no one wants to die.Similarly we desperately want these things but without shedding blood,sweat,toil and tears.The person who wants anything without paying the price can either be a thief or a beggar.The world is like a market and all we need to do is to pay the price for whatever we want.There is a very big misconception in our minds that everything can not be purchased in this world but if you ask me its definitely possible unless we are ignorant of the true price of what we want.Here is the list of price for what we want in our life:

1.Wealth:Think big and come out of your comfort zone.

2.Health:Love yourself i.e. your body,your mind and most importantly your soul.

3.True love:Be selfless 

4.Overcoming Anger:Stop expecting anything from anyone whosoever.No expectation means no anger.

5.Fame:Think and act differently but only positively.

6.Respect:Help people selflessly.

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